Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Anti Freezing Conditions For Automobiles Engine

Will environmentally friendly anti-freeze work as well in your car as commercial products?

Most automobile engines require water to control their temperatures from getting too hot as they run. Way back when, this was difficult because a car's engine runs at a temperature that is greater than the boiling point of water. So if water was put into a hot engine it simply boiled off and had to be replenished with constant stops to re-supply. The invention of the radiator partially cured this problem as the water was kept under pressure which raised its boiling point and kept it from boiling away. But cars continued to have difficulties with over heating even with the radiator.

Autos also had problems when it becomes very cold out. Instead of boiling away, the water froze inside the engine. When water freezes it expands and takes up more space. Years ago, cars had freeze plugs put into them that popped out when the water froze to protect the engine from cracking under the pressure of expansion.

Modern antifreeze additives solved the problems of overheating and freezing. There are many additives that will alter the boiling and freezing point of water, simple table salt will affect these points. Antifreeze solutions have a greater affect on the boiling and freezing point but they come at a price. Most modern antifreezes are not environmentally safe and must be disposed of as a hazardous waste. In recent years a number of environmentally friendly antifreeze products have come on the market.

This investigation will compare their effectiveness compared to traditional antifreeze products. To do this science experiment, you will need some non-diluted environmentally friendly anti-freeze. You will also need some commercial non-diluted anti-freeze. In addition you will require a thermometer, an outdoor stove or burner, and a freezer with temperature controls.

Start your experiment by taking 500ml of pure water. Put it on the stove and bring to boil. Record this temperature, it will be your boiling control group. Be sure to do this outside as antifreeze will produce unwanted odor in house.

Now put in 5ml of traditional antifreeze into 500ml of water (recheck water level each time as some will boil off). Boil this solution and record temperature. Repeat this step using environmentally friendly antifreeze.

Next repeat previous steps using 10ml of antifreeze in 500ml and record your boiling points. Continue this process through 25ml of antifreeze concentrations.

When you have collected your boiling point data repeat the process varying the concentrations of antifreeze but now freeze them instead of boiling them. Start with pure water. Set your freezer to 310 and put thermometer in water. Check periodically, record temperature when ice first starts to form, do not let water freeze completely. Then put in your 5ml concentrations and put back in freezer. If solutions do not freeze set your freezer at a colder temperature and record temperature when ice first appears. Continue this process through your 25ml solutions.

Use Of Quality Motor Oil In Automobiles

Anyone who has ever tried to accomplish any Non-Parenting activity as a Stay at Home Parent can tell you that easier said than done is an understatement! However, in today's increasingly difficult economy, many Stay at Home Parents are faced with new challenges and pressures.

There are many sources of these challenges. Your spouse may be facing a layoff or downsizing. If the "breadwinner" is in a sales job, you don't need me to tell you that the current economy can have a serious impact on your household income. Anyone working in the Automotive, Real Estate or Mortgage industries has been dealing with the loss of stability for some time now.

So what can you do to take some of the pressure off your Husband or Wife? Don't run out and apply at Wal-Mart just yet. Nobody wants to jeopardize their time with their kids. You don't want to deal with a latch-key program, or worse yet, full time day care!

If you can learn to budget your time and make good use of what you have available, you can create a substantial income from your computer. You need to focus your attention for the time you have. If you have toddler age kids, you can work at nap-time. If you have school age kids, you have a little more time to work with, and can get a little more done. Whatever amount of time you are working with, you need to make sure you are staying on task, staying focused, and getting your goals accomplished. Here is a list of where to start building an income from home:

* Research Opportunities that Interest You

* Ask Questions! Find out as Much as you Can about the Opportunity

* Make Sure You are going to get the Support you'll need to Shorten the Learning Curve

* If you Choose a Home Business Opportunity, Make Sure the Support Includes a Detailed Marketing Plan

There are literally Thousands of different opportunities out there to Work from Home or Build a Home Based Business. The industry is Exploding right now, with thousands of people joining a home business everyday. I would do a fairly targeted Google Search. Search for things that interest you. Odds are that you'll be able to find a business opportunity related to your interests.

Once you find a couple opportunities that you're interested in, do some more targeted searches and research the opportunities until you are comfortable. You should also be screening people as sponsors while you are researching. You'll want to make sure people are available to talk to you and answer your questions. This will tell you something about how available they will be to you after you join them in their business.

You are also going to want to ask questions about marketing the business. When you build an Online Business, Marketing is the most important skill you will need to learn. Internet Marketing is a skill, and finding someone to teach you Real World Marketing Skills will enable you to build your business Like a Science.