Monday, May 12, 2008

Convert Your Automobile To Run On Water

Many vehicle drivers dream of having their cars running on water, since that can result in a lot of costs savings. Many people think that this possible because they have heard of rumors of cars running with water. But does such technology really exist, or is it just a myth?

How Does Powering An Automobile With Water Work?

Water is made of 2 elements which are hydrogen and oxygen. When an electric current is passed through water (this process is also known as electrolysis), the hydrogen and oxygen and split up and form O2 and H2 molecules.

Hydrogen had already been discovered as a source of power about 20 years ago. This simple and abundant element has been proven to be able to provide more power than gasoline when used to power automobiles.

However, powering your vehicles completely on water has not yet become reality. You still need to buy some gasoline to power your car, but by making slight modifications to your car engine, you can use a mix of water and gasoline to run your automobile. All these can be done easily without having to purchase a new hybrid car.

There has not been much discussed by the media about this kind of technology, because it would seriously affect the profits of oil companies if people started to use water to run their automobiles. It has been kept from being released to the public by world leaders for this reason.

How To Convert Your Own Car To Run On Water?

This system can be easily accessed and built today with DIY guides available for download. Usually, beginners only need a small budget to get started, which should cost less than $100. Once modified, this water power engine system can also be easily reversed, thus making it easy to remove.